For an artist strongly rooted in historical depiction and discovery through highly textured oeuvre incorporating organic and multifarious Materia (earth, sand, paper, salt, rock, ink, ash and nails), this body of work by Saba Hasan manifests an embrace of photography and video with an equally potent and variant aesthetic.
From a more monochromatic palette to such vibrant chromes, photography has brought her back to colour. Expressions of poetry, contemplation and thought have imbued the sites, sounds and loci surrounding her quotidian world and her travels. Throughout is a continuous vision, one of metaphoric peregrinations and metaphors of light and shadow. Beyond mere nuance, from her journey to Japan in 2012, her video Four Haikus evokes the spirit and timelessness of the renowned Japanese poets Matsuo Basho (d.1694), Yosa Busan (d.1783), and Kobayaschi Issa (d.1828).
How to explore a unique, yet shared vision explores depths and unexpected revelations which cross borders of time and space. As penned by William Shakespeare in The Winter’s Tale (First Folio, 1623), “The art itself is nature” (Act 4, Scene IV). Her creative quest embodies shifting paradigms and vistas, resulting in an embrace of imagination and reflection on facets of elements which often one has forgotten to note.
Elizabeth Rogers